Pharmacy Refill Phone Line:

The Pharmacy refill phone system is back online and working. Options patients can use to refill their medications during this outage include:

1) Visit the pharmacy in person.

2) Call 270-798-8075. Patients may need to leave a voicemail due to high call volume.

Q-Anywhere allows you to text via your cellphone to activate the
filling of new and renewal medications.

Health Services

Community - Public Health Nursing

Blanchfield Army Community Hospital's Preventive Medicine Department offers Community-Public Health Nursing enabling readiness through promoting population-focused health, mitigating disease and injury, assuring Force Health Protection, informing policy, and responding to emerging health threats.

Scope of Service

  • Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) Medical Threat Briefings: Provide information on health threats and countermeasures while deployed

  • Tobacco Free Living Education: Offer educational classes to service members and beneficiaries who desire to quit using tobacco. Clients may be referred through their medical provider or may self-refer to the classes offered at the Fort Campbell Army Wellness Center.

  • Health Consultation for Child & Youth Services (CYS): Provide health and sanitation inspections of childcare facilities and Family Childcare (FCC) homes, training staff as needed on health related matters, and serving as the health consultant on the Special Needs Accommodation Process (SNAP) team

  • Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) Evaluations: Offer counseling’s and medications to those who have been diagnosed with latent tuberculosis infection. Assistance with contact evaluation for cases of active tuberculosis is also available.

  • Rabies Prevention and Surveillance (Animal Bite Program): Monitor patient’s started on rabies post-exposure prophylaxis and ensures rabies vaccination series are completed

  • Influenza (FLU) vaccinations and education: Plan and conduct community outreach influenza vaccination clinics and education

  • Health Promotion and Prevention

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

  • Provide individual and group education to reduce the risk of infection and perform contact tracing

  • Conduct Community Health Fairs

Contact Us

Blanchfield Public/Community Health Nursing
2576 23rd Street
Fort Campbell, KY  42223


Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Mon. - Fri.

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