Fort Campbell beneficiaries remain in TRICARE East Region.
Beneficiaries served by the Woodson Health Clinic at Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., moved to the TRICARE West Region. There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. Learn More 
Also, you have until Feb. 28 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.”


Patient Resources

Uniform Business Office - Treasury


Our mission is to provide a uniform management system for hospital business functions. Our goal is to provide accounts receivable management and accounts payable function through the Supplemental or Cooperative Care and Centrally Managed Allotment (CMA) Programs where applicable.

The Uniform Business Office provides services which range from billing to the verification of patient eligibility. We are dedicated to providing outstanding customer service to the patients at BACH. Please visit the various sections of the UBO to better understand how we may serve your needs.

Treasury Office

Our mission is to bill and collect funds from DoD beneficiaries for subsistence or medical services, other eligible patients treatment in the hospital, manage prepayment for elective cosmetic surgeries, and provide eligibility for treatment verification.

Our goal is to provide a complete and reliable financial record of financial transactions including collections control, accounts receivable and deposits, collection of funds for copying medical records, and the safeguarding of patient valuables.

Payments and Billing

Payments or billing inquiries may be made by either visiting us at the BACH Treasury office or by calling 270-956-0466, 270-798-8285, or 270-798-8286. Online payments may also be made by visiting  Click on find an agency, select Defense (DOD): US Army, Blanchfield Army Hospital Uniform Business Office Medical Payments.

Third Party Collections Program (TPCP)

Our mission is to collect from third party payers the cost of medical services provided to DoD beneficiaries to the fullest extent allowed under 10 U.S.C. 1095.

Our goal is to identify DoD beneficiaries with a third party payer plan, comply with third party payer requirements, submit claims to third party payers, ensure collections are made, and document collection activities.

This program assists BACH in recovering money from private health insurers for care provided to insured patients. Our Health Readiness Platform is required by law to bill private health insurance companies, such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Mail Handlers, Aetna, etc. The President of the United States initiated this law in 1986.

Why Bill Private Health Insurance?

Allowing Blanchfield Army Community Hospital to bill your third party insurance company for care you received will help you and your hospital. 

The money collected will:

  • Help meet your policy’s deductible and you will not have any out of pocket expenses.
  • Not affect your policy premiums
  • Enhance the quality of care at BACH
  • Enable BACH to provide you with needed equipment and Health Care staff
What BACH needs from you? Three Simple Steps
  1. Please bring your insurance identification card each time you visit the hospital, clinics, or pharmacy.
  2.  You will be asked to update the information every 12 months or when your coverage changes.
  3.  All non-active duty patients will be asked to complete and sign a DD FORM 2569.
Medical Care Recovery Program
If you are involved in an accident of any type and have liability insurance, please provide that information to your Health Care Provider at the time of treatment. Please inform the Health Care Provider if your visit is related to a Worker’s Compensation injury.
Promptly notify the Medical Care Recovery Office at 270-798-0807, of your accident and sign a release of information form. All accident-related information must be released through the Medical Care Recovery Office, Staff Judge Advocate.

Contact Us

Uniform Business Office
Building 2516, Room 109
Fort Campbell, KY 42223


Treasury Office
Blanchfield Army Community Hospital
650 Joel Drive, Room 2BK05
Fort Campbell, KY 42223


Mon., Wed., - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.
Thurs. 1 - 3:40 p.m.
Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS