Medical Records
Release of Information Office
The mission of the Release of Information section is to provide accurate, timely, consistent medical information for use in the provision of quality health care while protecting the patient’s need for privacy and confidentiality; to support the needs of patients.
Requesting Records
Did you know? The quickest way to access your medical records is by using the online patient portals. You can view, print or download your own medical records at:
TRICARE Online or
Personal Medical Records requests
To request a copy of your Medical and/or Behavioral Health records, please fill out the
e-form, DD 2870, and/or BH DD 2870. You may use these
instructions to assist you in filling out the DD2870 form. You may drop these forms off at the "Release of Information Office" located at BACH, 650 Joel Drive, Room 1AA17
To submit the completed forms: choose one of the following:
1) Fax to 270-798-0782
2) Drop off the DD 2870 form at Blanchfield Army Community Hospital, A Building, 1st Floor, Room 1AA17, Patient Administration Office - Medical Records
*Please allow us up to 30 business days to complete your request.
*Personal ASAP records require an additional DA 5018-R.
Active Duty Soldiers assigned to Byrd or LaPointe Soldier-Centered Medical Homes can request medical records by dropping off the
DD 2870 form at their respective clinic.
The following record requests can normally be processed same day as a walk-in and also accessible through
MHS GENESIS for historical patient records before June 3, 2023, go to
TRICAREOnline to retrieve your medical records until April 1, 2025:
- Laboratory Tests
- Radiology Tests
- Most EKGs
- Immunizations
- Electronic Pediatric Records
- Electronic Physician notes
Are you a veteran requesting retired medical records?
Veterans may request copies of their military medical or dental records through the National Archives at St. Louis at
These records are retired according to the last date of treatment and shipped to the
National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in St. Louis, Missouri. If you need a copy of your records, you must request them directly from the NPRC (using a Standard Form 180). When you request medical records from the NPRC, you must provide them with the sponsor's Social Security Number or military number if prior to 1971. Be as specific as you can about the date and location of your last period of treatment. This will aid the NPRC in locating your medical records. The address for the NPRC is as follows
National Personnel Records Center
9700 Page Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63132
Phone: 314-801-9195
Fax: 314-801-9250
National Personnel Record Center
11 Winnebago Street
St. Louis, MO 63118
Phone: 314-801-9250
Fax: 314-801-9250