Health Care Portal / e-Profile
e-Profile is a software application within the Medical Operational Data System (MODS) suite that allows global tracking of army Soldiers who have a temporary or permanent medical condition that may render them medically not ready to deploy.
Components of the Application
- Automated Profile Form using the Artificial Intelligence Process
- Medical Retention Board (MAR2) status tracking
- Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) status tracking
- Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) status tracking
- Statistical Reporting of all Components of the e-Profile Application
- Medical Specialty Referral for Soldiers
- Profile Contains PHI and is required to be HIPAA compliant
- Roles and permissions
- User Guides
Register for DHA Medical Readiness Transformation
Courses on JKO
DHA-US298: Medical Readiness Healthcare Portal Training
If you will be doing PHAs complete:
DHA-066 Department of Defense DOD Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) Health care Personnel Training
If you need MODS access please go to MEDPROS:
Complete the following documents:
DD 2875 and DD 2929, make sure everything in highlighted yellow is complete.