Fort Campbell beneficiaries remain in TRICARE East Region.
Beneficiaries served by the Woodson Health Clinic at Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., moved to the TRICARE West Region. There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. Learn More 
Also, you have until Feb. 28 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.”


Patient Resources

Patient Relations

The Mission of the BACH Health System is, Without Compromise, we are committed to healthcare excellence, delivering readiness for our Warfighters, Families, and Community. The mission focuses the organization on those areas where the BACH Health System adds value: quality, safe, effective clinical services enabling health and readiness of those supported by BACH while simultaneously delivering well-trained medical leaders who are fit and capable to medically support the American military fight and win the Nation’s wars.

The BACH Health System Vision is that Blanchfield is the gold standard military health system; transforming healthcare, readiness, and training because of our people, innovation, and service.

We are devoted to identifying and reducing health care disparities through the analysis of various data sources for opportunities to improve services and outcomes

We are confident that Blanchfield Army Community Hospital personnel will treat you with kindness, dignity and respect. We welcome your feedback on your experience to ensure we are not only meeting, but also exceeding your expectations. While utilizing our services, if you would like to speak to someone directly about your visit, please ask to speak to the clinic leadership or one of Blanchfield's Patient Advocates. In addition, you can provide feedback through our Joint Outpatient Experience Survey (JOES) or the TRICARE Inpatient Satisfaction Survey (TRISS), which will come through the mail (or potentially email) in the weeks following your visit.  

Customer Service

Click here to view the Customer Service Page.

Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) 

ICE is a web-based tool that collects your feedback on services at Blanchfield Army Community Hospital.

HIPAA Privacy 

The Defense Health Agency (DHA) Privacy and Civil Liberties Office (Privacy Office) helps the Military Health System (MHS) comply with the following HIPAA Rules:

  • The HIPAA Privacy Rule defines how your PHI should be safeguarded, limits when it can be used and disclosed without your authorization, and ultimately gives you some control over your own PHI.
  • The HIPAA Security Rule defines how your PHI should be protected and transferred when maintained electronically. 
  • The HIPAA Breach Notification Rule defines when your PHI has been inappropriately used or disclosed (see Breaches of PII and PHI page) and describes the breach response obligations of a covered entity.

The Chief of the DHA Privacy Office is the appointed HIPAA Privacy Officer and HIPAA Security Officer HIPAA Privacy Officer and HIPAA Security Officer, HIPAA Privacy and Security Officer, and has authority over the HIPAA Privacy and Security programs at DHA.

For more information DHA’s HIPAA compliance program, please read the DHA’s HIPAA Privacy and HIPAA Security Core Tenets Policy Statement, HIPAA Privacy and Security Core Tenets Policy.

Blanchfied is committed to resolving Health Information Privacy complaints. Maintaining patients' Protected Health Information is very important to us and the Fort Campbell community. Please contact us with any Health Information Privacy concerns.

To learn more about the Notice of Privacy Practices, click the following link HIPAA Privacy

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Since 1967, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. Federal agencies are required to disclose any information requested under the FOIA unless it falls under one of nine exemptions which protect interests such as personal privacy, national security, and law enforcement.

To help you determine if filing a FOIA request is the best option for you, visit

DHA Freedom of Information Service Center

The Defense Health Agency (DHA) Freedom of Information Service Center has principal authority to ensure DHA and its components are in full compliance with the FOIA.  Under FOIA, Federal agencies and components are required to make records available to the public unless one of nine (9) specific exemptions authorizes their withholding. Only Federal Executive Branch agencies and components must comply with FOIA. FOIA does not extend to records held by Congress, the courts, or by state or local government agencies, as each state has its own public access laws that should be consulted for access to state and local records.

The best method to submit a FOIA Request to DHA is online via the National FOIA Portal at  Click “Start Request”, then type “Defense Health Agency” into the search box.

DHA Freedom of Information Service Center
7700 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 5101
Falls Church, Virginia 22042-5101
Phone: 1-703-275-6017
Fax: 1-703-275-6386

The Defense Health Agency (DHA) Privacy and Civil Liberties Office (Privacy Office) helps the Military Health System (MHS) comply with the following HIPAA Rules:

  • The HIPAA Privacy Rule defines how your PHI should be safeguarded, limits when it can be used and disclosed without your authorization, and ultimately gives you some control over your own PHI.
  • The HIPAA Security Rule defines how your PHI should be protected and transferred when maintained electronically. 
  • The HIPAA Breach Notification Rule defines when your PHI has been inappropriately used or disclosed (see Breaches of PII and PHI page) and describes the breach response obligations of a covered entity.

The Chief of the DHA Privacy Office is the appointed HIPAA Privacy Officer and HIPAA Security Officer HIPAA Privacy Officer and HIPAA Security Officer, HIPAA Privacy and Security Officer, and has authority over the HIPAA Privacy and Security programs at DHA.

For more information DHA’s HIPAA compliance program, please read the DHA’s HIPAA Privacy and HIPAA Security Core Tenets Policy Statement, HIPAA Privacy and Security Core Tenets Policy.

Healthcare Resolutions

The Health Benefits Office includes Beneficiary Counseling & Assistance Coordinators (BCACs), Debt Collection Assistance Officers (DCAOs) and Health Benefits Advisors (HBAs).

Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC)

Phone: 270-798-8421

Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinators educate beneficiaries and provide a thorough understanding of TRICARE. For any questions concerning benefits, BCACs are available to answer questions and help solve TRICARE-related problems.

Your call will be directed to one of BACH's Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinators at the Referral Management Office.

Debt Collection Assistance Officer (DCAO)

Phone: 270-798-8421

Debt Collection Assistance Officers provide assistance with debt cases or Collection matters concerning unpaid TRICARE-related claims. Please call BACH's Referral Management Center if you need further assistance with TRICARE programs or unpaid TRICARE claims.

Contact Us

Patient Advocate





8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.


650 Joel Drive
A Building, 1st Floor, Rm 1AA05
Fort Campbell, KY  42223

BACH Freedom of Information Act Office


Blanchfield Army Community Hospital
650 Joel Drive, Room 1AA13
Fort Campbell, KY  42223



Hours: 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday

HIPAA Privacy

Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.
Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS