Primary Care
Patient Centered Medical Homes
Blanchfield Medical Homes are based on a Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model that has been adopted across Army Medicine and many civilian healthcare systems. The patient-centered, team-based and holistic concept allows us to provide you and your family more personalized care with multiple ways to access your care team. From office visits and walk-in services to Scheduled Virtual Health Visits, and secure messaging, you and your Family have even more ways to get the care you need.
This model is based on the belief that your well-being should always be at the center of every decision about your health. With this new approach, you, the patient will receive more personalized and coordinated care, supported by an entire team to maximize overall wellness. You no longer have just a primary care provider but an entire primary care team!
Under the Primary Care Services tab, more information is included within the multiple support services available by clicking the links below. Some of the services are solely Soldier-centered while others are available to all prime beneficiaries.
To schedule or cancel primary care appointments, Soldiers and family members should contact the Appointment Line at 270-798-4677, 6 a.m.-4:30 p.m., visit or send a secure email to their care team using the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, a secure messaging system. To cancel an appointment after hours using the Appointment Line, please call 270-798-VOID.