To schedule an appointment, call 270-798-4677 or send a message to your care team via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal.
BACH outpatient pharmacies now have a new phone number for prescription refills; call 270-545-5523. 


Health Services


Located inside the Orthopedic Clinic. Podiatry appointments are made on a referral basis only.

During duty hours, the referring physician will contact the podiatrist for a same day, emergency or 72-hour consult. Other consults will be scheduled as routine. If you have an emergency after duty hours, go to the emergency room. Scope of services: Sports medicine and injuries of the foot; trauma of the foot; limited pediatric foot surgery; and general foot surgery.

Contact Us

Blanchfield Podiatry
650 Joel Drive
C Building, 2nd Floor
Fort Campbell, KY  42223

Appointments: 270-798-8426
Surgery scheduling: 270-798-8621 or 270-798-8316

Hours: 7 a.m. - 4 p.m., Mon. - Fri.

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS